/** * Cardano Wallet Backend API *

* * OpenAPI spec version: 2021.3.4 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git * Do not edit the class manually. */ /** * An asset on the Cardano blockchain. An asset is uniquely identified by its `policy_id` and `asset_name` (together, these form the _asset id_). Two assets with the same `asset_name` and `policy_id` are interchangeable. Yet, different assets with a same `policy_id` but different `asset_name` are treated as separate assets, as are two assets with the same `asset_name` but different `policy_id`. * @export * @interface WalletsAssetsAvailable */ export interface WalletsAssetsAvailable { /** * A unique identifier of the asset's monetary policy. The policy controls how assets of this kind are created and destroyed. The contents are the blake2b-224 hash of the monetary policy script, encoded in hexadecimal. * @type {string} * @memberof WalletsAssetsAvailable */ policy_id: string; /** * The asset on-chain type which acts as a sub-identifier within a policy. Although we call it \"asset name\", the value needn't be text, and it could even be empty. For policies with a single fungible asset item, asset name is typically an empty string. This value can be up to 32 bytes of arbitrary data (which is 64 hexadecimal digits). * @type {string} * @memberof WalletsAssetsAvailable */ asset_name: string; /** * Number of assets for the given `policy_id` and `asset_name`. * @type {number} * @memberof WalletsAssetsAvailable */ quantity: number; }