/** * Cardano Wallet Backend API *
* * OpenAPI spec version: 2021.3.4 * * * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program. * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git * Do not edit the class manually. */ import { ApiCoinSelectionCertificates, ApiCoinSelectionChange, ApiCoinSelectionInputs, ApiCoinSelectionWithdrawals, WalletswalletIdpaymentfeesAmount, WalletswalletIdpaymentfeesPayments } from '.'; /** * * @export * @interface ApiCoinSelection */ export interface ApiCoinSelection { /** * A list of transaction inputs * @type {Array<ApiCoinSelectionInputs>} * @memberof ApiCoinSelection */ inputs: ApiCoinSelectionInputs[]; /** * A list of target outputs * @type {Array<WalletswalletIdpaymentfeesPayments>} * @memberof ApiCoinSelection */ outputs: WalletswalletIdpaymentfeesPayments[]; /** * A list of transaction change outputs. * @type {Array<ApiCoinSelectionChange>} * @memberof ApiCoinSelection */ change: ApiCoinSelectionChange[]; /** * A list of withdrawals from stake addresses. * @type {Array<ApiCoinSelectionWithdrawals>} * @memberof ApiCoinSelection */ withdrawals?: ApiCoinSelectionWithdrawals[]; /** * * @type {Array<ApiCoinSelectionCertificates>} * @memberof ApiCoinSelection */ certificates?: ApiCoinSelectionCertificates[]; /** * A list of deposits associated with a transaction. * @type {Array<WalletswalletIdpaymentfeesAmount>} * @memberof ApiCoinSelection */ deposits?: WalletswalletIdpaymentfeesAmount[]; /** * Transaction metadata, serialized according to the expected on-chain binary format, base64-encoded. * @type {string} * @memberof ApiCoinSelection */ metadata?: any; }